A fun fueled evening of sexual exuberance
We value quality over quantity and are particularly interested in showcasing quality couples and single ladies. When uploading your pictures, envision what you would look like when attending our event in the evening.
Please make a conscious effort to select images that reflect this standard.
It's important to note that if minimal effort is observed in your picture uploads, regrettably, we won't be able to provide a response. Additionally, failing to upload the required pictures will result in a similar outcome. We will not provide explanations of not accepting you onto the guest list.
Filtered Pictures will be ignored
We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these guidelines.
Thank you for contacting Chic.
We will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.
It's important to note that if minimal effort is observed in your picture uploads, regrettably, we won't be able to provide a response. Additionally, failing to upload the required pictures will result in a similar outcome.
We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these guidelines.
Mrs Deviants
Chic guest selection process is exclusive. Please refer to our 'About Chic' page to see if you meet our criteria. Please note, we will politely decline if we do not feel Chic is the right event for you.